ADKOS Battery Replacement Program
On average batteries last 3 years under good operating condition. Roughly 75% of vehicle stored for 3 years will experience battery issues while in storage. When In-Processing your vehicle, it is recommended that you provide your vehicle care manager with receipts or other documentation that would support a battery warranty. Also, notify the Site Manager of any aftermarket components that could possibly drain the battery between maintenance checks. Disconnecting these aftermarket components can be as easy as removing a fuse and save you the cost of a replacement battery. Below is the ADKOS 3 Step Battery Replacement Program.
1st Dead Battery
- Jump start the vehicle and perform extended run maintenance
- Inspect for potential battery drain
- Log the battery condition and actions taken in the Online Monitoring System
2nd Dead Battery
- Jump start the POV and perform the normal maintenance
- Inspect for potential battery drain
- Fully charger battery
- Log the battery condition and actions taken in the Online Monitoring System
- Email customer and discuss battery drain, age, warrantee and replacement standards
3rd Dead Battery
- Jump start the POV and perform the normal maintenance
- Load test battery, fully charge or replace as required
- Email customer with status, add a copy of the receipt if battery was replaced and notify the customer that they will be billed for the cost of the battery replacement
- Log this information in the Online Monitoring System